Healing Arts is a global campaign by the Jameel Arts & Health Lab in collaboration with the World Health Organization


Arts in Health Forum: Research & Practice

1-4pm, October 8 2024 Rollins School of Public Health @ Emory University - 1518 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30322


This interactive session will spotlight artists, researchers, and activists related to their work in advancing arts and health practice. This unique event will feature Atlanta-based spoken word artists, performance from Atlanta Symphony Orchestra musicians, as well as celebrated researchers who are defining the landscape for arts & health research. 

The itinerary includes (and is subject to change): 

  • Arts & Health Curriculum and Practice: key researchers and artists to discuss "the field" of arts and health and exploring best-practices to training, education, and implementation
  • Artistic Genius in HIV Space: a discussion and celebration of Atlanta-based artists, activists, and public health leaders who leverage the arts to advance community health
  • Creative Expression & Elders: a performance by Dance for Parkinson's artists and a focused discussion on how music, dance, and other art forms benefit elderly adults